As a married writing team, we enjoy discovering how we approach the same characters and themes from complementary perspectives. The stories we write explore fraught relationships and covert decisions behind closed doors. They dive deep into power dynamics and social issues, with complex worldbuilding surrounding them.
We met online after moving to L.A. and soon discovered we already had IRL friends, not to mention passions, in common. The first New Year’s Eve we spent together, the spark of our shared love of storytelling — and each other — was ignited via a rewatch of a project by one of our favorite screenwriters.
Shortly after getting married, we started writing together seriously. Until then, Kristiana had focused on drama, while Mike had experience writing comedy. But when Mike shifted to join her in the hourlong world, our skills leveled up.
We want our viewers to experience a feeling of belonging as our scripts portray the next chapter of diverse representation — the kind that we craved when we were younger and are just now seeing hints of on-screen.